Lack of land transport connectivity is the most significant obstacle for coastal communities and remote locations in northern Canada.

With the modern advancement in materials engineering, engine efficiency, flight navigation, and development in Hybrid Airship technology, a next generation of Hybrid Airships is fast becoming a reliable and efficient alternative for transporting cargo to remote communities and locations in an environmentally friendly and sustainable manner.

Gare Aeronef will become the first multi-user Hybrid Airship terminal in Canada offering all related services for next generation Hybrids, that provide regular cargo transport services by air to locations within a radius of 1,250km.

Hybrid Airships, a green initiative balancing environmental performance in the transportation supply chain while also satisfying traditional economic performance criteria.

This Green transportation logistics via air infrastructure is the first of its kind initiative in the world.


Gare Aeronef is a multi-user Hybrid Airship terminal located in the vicinity of Schefferville.

It offers a state-of-the-art facility with a special landing pad ideal for landing, hovering or take-off of next generation Hybrid Airships.

• Landing and takeoff surfaces
• Mooring and unmooring
• Ballasting and de-ballasting
• Radar and communication tower
• Snow removal and de-icing
• Repair and maintenance
• Fuel and water supply
• Cargo handling system
• Housing and Administrative complex
• Training and formation facility
• Cafeteria and entertainment facility
• Pilots and crew support
• Logistics services
• Intermodal yard
• Cargo transloading
• Spare parts transit



• Smaller landing pad reduces the environmental and energy footprint more than any other cargo type facilities.
• Hybrid Airship technology has the lowest carbon footprint, projects the least noise and lowest greenhouse gas emissions of any other cargo transport system.
• Eliminates the need for building new roads, thus eliminating any negative impact on nature and wildlife namely mammals and the almost extinct Caribou.


• A notable and positive contribution to supply chain challenges for northern communities.
• A local training program for ground staff (administrative, maintenance, logistics) that will impact our local community.


• Creating good paying jobs for the local community
• Hybrid airships provide an economically affordable solution to the costly alternative of building transportation infrastructure to remote areas, and removes a significant burden of capital investment in road constructions and maintenance.


Modern advances in materials engineering, engine efficiency and flight navigation systems provided solutions for making airships a reliable alternative to transporting cargo to remote locations.

Airships are environmentally sensitive, have a low carbon footprint, operate at low noise and low emissions.

In the past decade, companies such as Zepplin, Egan Airships, Flying Whales, Hybrid Air Vehicles, Lockheed martin , Lighter Than Air ( LTA), Aeros Craft , Varia lift Airships, Atlas Airship, H2 Clipper, BASI, Flywin invested significant time and resources in developing Airship technology for transporting passengers and cargos. Some of these companies are in the stage of concept and design of a prototype, others have flown their airship prototypes and are working towards certification cargo transportation.

The technology is at the stage of readiness to initiate commercial cargo operations.

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"Trust in dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity."

"Faites confiance aux rêves, car en eux est cachée la porte de l'éternité."

Gibran Khalil Gibran, 1931.


Gare Aeronef
182 rue des Montagnais,
Schefferville, Quebec
Canada, G0G 2T0
+1 581 505-0555